You know what's funny? Well I'll tell you. Simple people. Not the easy-going or happy-go-lucky people but the people who are simple minded. Those people that are so ignorant about the world around them and are only concerned about today's pleasures and not tomorrows satisfactions. Those people that don't even care about what they do now that could mess up their entire future.
A 15 year old girl that gets pregnant and has no idea who her baby's father is but the two possible candidates are in jail.
A 17 year old that steals change from her mother just to give it back and get dollar bills for what she just took.
An 18 year old that is trying to get his girl friend pregnant to hopefully keep them together.
A 39 year old that spends her money on clothes that she doesn't need and video games that her kids don't need and complains about not having money for rent.
I don't know blog, something about these people just bother me. I'm just not too sure on how these people work their lives out this way. Or should I say nonexistent lives. I don't understand how or why people don't want to excel in life. Why they set themselves up for failure. ~sigh~ I'll never know.
*nods in concurrence*