Dearest blog,
Do you ever think that you're about to get something and then come to find out you're not getting it for awhile? But I mean, like you've been waiting all weekend and you just had to make it another 7 hours to get it and then you find out its not happening for another, at least, 72 hours?
Dearest blog, what I am referring to is my day off. I spent all day yesterday thinking I had Monday off and today I just had to psyche myself up to get past today so I could have my day off. But once I got to work my boss so pleasantly told me I don't have tomorrow off. My next day off isn't until Thursday. Now, when he told me such a story I had to check the schedule and I'll be damned if he wasn't right. Needless to say, I've been in a bad mood all day.
Now, it wasn't just the fact that my day off seemed to have been pushed back, but a few other things were working my nerves. So I find out my day off is so far away now and my day just downhill spiraled from there. It's in the dinner rush and the new cook that was working with me messes up this man's order, not once but twice. I know I shouldn't really be bothered by that, but I feel like I'm being blamed for that as well. Then it gets to the point where I'm answering phones and this man and his wife curse me out on the phone because they didn't want to pay $55 for their 5 pizzas and 2 liters of soda. They cursed me out like it was my fault, personally, for it coming out the way it did. Then I had some man get really mad at me for hanging up the phone after he left me on hold for 5 minutes. Now this wasn't your normal "Can you hold on a second.". This was "Hey, hold on." and then he actually pushed the hold button and left me there for 5 minutes. There was background music and all.
I don't know blog, sometimes you just have a shitty day. Not only did it start off bad, but every time it looked like it was going to get better, it shot to shit one more time. :-/