Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Chaos Theory.

Dearest blog,

Today I recently rediscovered an old CD, yes, I said CD, that helped me realize how to take life and what it should be about. This CD is called The Chaos Theory. Inside this CD is about a three paragraphs stating what the Chaos Theory is. This is what it says.....

"When you die, and come to stand before your book of life, what do you think you will find? For each new experience that you have, a page is added to this book, making it fuller and longer. If you lead an adventurous life, your book will be an enormous tome, full of wondrous experiences, accomplishments, and yes, even failures. Unfortunately, many people are stuck on the same page because they are caught up in a routine, such as going to work, coming home, watching tv, and going to sleep, with very little deviation from the norm. They are mired on that same page, so no new pages are written in their book of life, and when they die it will be very thin. They know what tomorrow will bring, because they lived it the day before. When they think back on their life, it will appear that time has flown by, because they have no strong memories to grasp on to. That same day they kept living over and over will be remembered as just one long day. 

Live your days with this knowledge, because with new experiences also comes wisdom, and a deeper understanding of life and what comes after. Never pass by any good opportunity, for it may never come again. Don't be controlled by your fears, because this leads to regret, and regret is the heaviest weight one can carry. Chaos provides strength, because even though at times it may be dangerous, it can get you pointed in the right direction, even when all other factors hold you back. In other words, sometimes you just have to say, "Fuck it!" and just do something even if it doesn't make total sense or wasn't planned out. Chaos mixed with passion is like keys opening the doors to your desires. The more freely you behave, the more free you will become and you shall break free of the prison that is all like to be your own mind. Besides, think of all the stories you'll be able to tell whether good or bad. 

So, tell that girl how you feel, break up with that jobber you're too afraid to leave, ditch that whack city and move to where ever the hell you want to live, save your money and take that trip overseas, do things on the spur of the moment, start that business you were thinking about, take a stick and beat that mother fucker who hit your sister, visit your old friend that you haven't seen in years-- whatever it is you want to do. Now is the time. Live in the present. Don't talk about what you are going to do one day--start making it happen today. This is the Chaos Theory: that chaos can bring strength, adventure, and make your dreams possible, where rational thought might fail. Living your life in this way, for better or worse, is sure to be more entertaining  that not living your life at all."

To me, this meant a lot. Not in a religious way, but a way to live life. Instead of sitting around doing the same old boring stuff everyday, get out there and do something different. You'll have plenty of time to be boring when you're in your nursing home trying to remember who you are. Leave a mark on this world. If not for you, then for the people that know you, friends, family. Give them something to talk about after you're buried 6ft under. 

I hope this meant something to you, like it did for me.